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Musical Table

Musical Table

Regular price $129.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $129.99 USD
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Compose a forest symphony! Musical notes roll off the xylophone and the mushroom bell tops jingle as you hit them with your acorn stick. Bang the tree trunk drums, blow through the birdie whistle, clack the butterfly wings, sound an echo with the stirring wood chime. Rub the stick along the hedgehog back, what a hullabaloo of musical notes!

Age range: 3 Years And Older
Product size: 19.69 x 15.35 x 8.46”
Weight: 4.38 lbs

Self assembly required.

Download Music Table Printable

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Romp-at-Home ships to the 48 contiguous United States & the District of Columbia. Follow these links for shipping policy and return policy details.

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